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Microneedling Skin Treatment: a Minimally Invasive Approach to Skin Rejuvenation


You might have thought that there could be ways to have a  flawless skin and look younger, right? You are not alone. These days, many people are eager to have smooth, clear, and beautiful skin. Additionally, dermatologists are constantly updating themselves with new methods for skin enhancement. One of the popular techniques is Microneedling Skin Treatment.

Microneedling is an appropriate solution for treating your skin issues, such as wrinkles and scars. It also enhances your skin appearance and makes your skin look more beautiful and radiant. The skin professionals create tiny injuries on the skin with several small needles. This process stimulates the skin and promotes collagen production, which ultimately leads to correcting flaws and promoting skin rejuvenation. Whether you’re hearing about microneedling for the first time or are already familiar with it, we’re here to provide you with comprehensive information about this procedure. What is microneedling? What are its benefits, and what is the procedure? Let’s answer these questions in this blog post!


Understanding Microneedling Technology

 Microneedling, also known as collagen induction therapy, is a safe and almost non-invasive method to treat your skin problems and make your skin appear more radiant and beautiful. This process is performed by a skin professional or dermatologist. They use a device that creates small wounds on the skin. This procedure encourages your skin to activate its natural healing responses and produce more collagen, which is essential for youthful and clear skin. Plus, microneedling helps your skin absorb nutrients and vitamins better and faster.


Benefits of Microneedling for Skin

Microneedling is a very effective and suitable method for many people. This popular method offers various advantages:

  • It makes your skin appear younger: Microneedling stimulates collagen and elastin production, which play a direct role in skin rejuvenation. This process help you get rid of fine lines and small wrinkles on your skin.
  • It is one of the least invasive methods for improving the beauty and health of the skin: In microneedling, the wounds created on the skin are not deep, and their recovery time is generally shorter than many other methods, like laser treatments. You can immediately resume your daily life and return to your activities after a short recovery period.
  • It can address a wide range of your skin flaws and imperfections: Microneedling is an effective method for treating scars and enhancing your skin appearance. Additionally, your skin’s wrinkles and fine lines become less deep and less noticeable with multiple microneedling sessions. Additionally, it can minimize the dark spots of your skin.
  • It stimulates collagen production: Collagen is a crucial factor in the health, strength, and resilience of your skin and hair. Microneedling enhances collagen production in your body, gives your skin a radiant appearance, and delays the formation of wrinkles.

Ideal Candidates for Treatment

Generally, anyone interested in having clearer, more beautiful, and more even-toned skin can benefit from microneedling. However, if you have the following conditions, microneedling can be suitable for you.

  • You want to have more radiant, resilient, and younger skin.
  • If you have lines or wrinkles on your skin’s surface and want your skin to appear smoother.
  • If your skin is damaged or darkened due to sunburn
  • If your overall skin condition is healthy and free from skin diseases, wounds, or infections.
  • If you are not pregnant or breastfeeding
Skin Rejuvenation microneedling

What You are Going to Experience during Microneedling Procedure

This procedure starts with an appointment with your dermatologist. They typically ask you about your skin issues and your medical history. After this step, they carefully evaluate your skin conditions, type, and problems. They may probably recommend you avoid specific skin products before undergoing the microneedling process. Before starting microneedling, it’s necessary to thoroughly cleanse the skin. Then, the skin professional applies anesthetic cream on your skin for approximately 20 minutes to ensure you won’t feel any pain or discomfort.

After all of those mentioned steps, your dermatologist starts creating some micro-injuries with a specific device that has tiny and fine needles. Depending on the complexity of the issue and the area of the skin that needs microneedling, the duration of this procedure takes about 30 minutes to an hour. Typically, special skincare products are used after microneedling because creams or serums are well absorbed by the skin at this time.


Any Risks or Side Effects?

Microneedling is usually considered a safe procedure; however, you should consider some factors before undergoing this procedure.

  1. There is a possibility of infection: The likelihood of this issue is very rare, and it occurs only when clean and sterile needles are not used or when the procedure is done improperly.
  2. Skin changes may happen: After microneedling, some individuals may experience changes in skin pigmentation, such as lightening or darkening. This effect is more likely to occur in individuals with darker skin tones.
  3. Experiencing symptoms such as irritation, redness, or swelling: After this procedure, the skin often exhibits these symptoms, which typically resolve themselves after a short period.
  4. Some people experience sensitivity to skincare products: Sometimes, people’s skin becomes sensitive to skincare products after microneedling. In such cases, it’s important to consult with a specialist before using any products.

What to Do for Aftercare

It is important to follow the aftercare instructions after microneedling to preserve the outcomes and a quicker recovery.
You should be aware that direct sunlight can be harmful, so it’s essential to use sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30. Additionally, it is important to use skincare cleansers without chemicals or alcohol to remove impurities from your skin. Remember to drink enough water after microneedling and avoid wearing makeup for at least 24 hours. Ultimately, avoid touching your treated skin to prevent infection, and don’t exercise for a few days.


To Wrap Up

Microneedling is recognized as a popular and effective method to have smoother, clearer, and more youthful-looking skin. This minimally invasive procedure stimulates collagen production, addresses various skin concerns such as acne scars and wrinkles, and enhances the overall texture and appearance of your skin. While it offers numerous benefits, including minimal downtime and versatility in treating different skin types, individuals considering microneedling should be aware of potential risks such as skin irritation and changes in their skin color. Following proper aftercare instructions, including sun protection and gentle skincare, is crucial to ensuring optimal results and a speedy recovery. Consultation with a qualified dermatologist or skincare professional can help determine if microneedling is suitable for your skincare needs and goals.


Contact Us at MHB!

We are here at MHB to help you achieve the skin you have always wished for. Our skin professionals and caring staff value staying updated with knowledge and equipment and offer you top-quality cosmetic services in a warm, positive, and friendly environment. We can set new standards of quality in your mind.
Contact MHB and book your appointment today!



Microneedling is a minimally invasive procedure where tiny needles create controlled injuries in the skin, stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture and tone.

Microneedling benefits individuals seeking to reduce acne scars, wrinkles, and uneven skin tone and improve overall skin texture and firmness. It is suitable for various skin types and tones, pending consultation with a dermatologist or skincare professional.



Martin specializes in body and skin treatments and is based in Central London.

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