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Best Hair Removal Methods: Choosing the Right Option for You

Best Hair Removal Methods

There are different hair removal methods to remove unwanted hairs. There are different options, from traditional waxing and sugaring to modern advanced techniques like laser hair removal. Some of the hair removal options have concise results; on the other hand, there are methods like laser hair removal with very long-lasting results. But which hair removal option is the best for you? If you are trying to get rid of your unwanted hair, read this comprehensive article about different hair removal methods to choose the best option for you.

Unwanted Hair Growth

Unwanted hair growth has always been a problem for many people. People may want their hair removed from some parts of their body. Body hair can grow to its full length in about just one month. Healthy hair follicles, which feed from blood vessels around them, can grow hair again and again even after cutting the hair. That is the reason that some hair removal techniques aim to destroy hair follicles in order to prevent hair growth for a longer time. Unwanted hair growth can be more frustrating due to issues like hormonal imbalance or being under treatment of some specific medications. Also, genetics has an important role in unwanted hair growth. Many techniques have been invented to remove these unwanted hairs.

What Are Popular Hair Removal Options?

Many hair removal options have been invented over time. These various hair removal options have different properties. The best hair removal method is the one that satisfies your needs and expectations. Here are the most common hair removal methods explained:


Shaving is one of the easiest ways to remove unwanted hair. With razors and shavers, a blade is used to cut the hair. In some razors and shavers, there are multiple blades to remove hair. There are both simple non-electrical razors and electric shavers. All of these tools cut the hair where it comes out of the skin. So, the part inside the skin and the hair follicle stays intact. That is why your hair will grow back quickly after shaving it.

Depilatory Creams

Hair removal creams have been used for about a hundred years. These depilatory creams use chemicals like thioglycolic acid to break down the hair and remove it from your skin. The active ingredients of the depilatory creams ruin the hair’s structure to break it down, but they can also be irritating for sensitive skin. There are also other forms of depilators, like lotions and powders, but they all work in the same way. You may need to mix some water with depilatory powders in order to make them work properly.

Waxing & Sugaring

Waxing or sugaring hair removal involves applying a hot wax or a sugary paste on the skin to remove the unwanted hair in that specific area. Then, after the wax or the sugary paste cools down, it will be removed from the skin. When the wax or the cooled sugary paste is detached from the skin, it will take out the hairs with it. In this hair removal method, the hair can be pulled out from their roots so they will grow slower compared to shaving.



Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal method that must be performed by a trained electrologist. In this hair removal technique, the electrologist inserts a tiny needle into the hair follicle and uses an electric current to destroy the hair root and the hair follicle. The electrolysis hair removal process can remove hair on various body parts like the face, legs, and armpits. While this method is pricey and not pain-free, and multiple sessions are needed to achieve complete hair removal, electrolysis is safe, effective, and a permanent hair removal method. It can also work on all hair and skin types.


Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is one of the most popular hair removal options nowadays because of its convenience and long-lasting results. In laser hair removal, as its name indicates, a laser, which is a concentrated light beam, is used. The pigments in the hair and its follicles will absorb this light and burn. This will lead to the destruction of the hair along with its follicles, making this technique an effective and long-lasting one. Laser hair removal is almost pain-free, and it won’t take too much time, so it is both an effective and convenient option to get rid of your unwanted hair.

Best Hair Removal Methods

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hair Removal Methods

Shaving Advantages

Shaving is an easy way to remove unwanted hair without costing you much. This hair removal method is fast and pain-free unless you cut your skin with the blades.

Shaving Disadvantages

Shaving may cause skin irritation because the blades can remove the outer layer of your skin as well as your hair. This can cause skin irritation and redness, which is uncomfortable. Another disadvantage of shaving is that its results are not long-lasting. Your hair will grow to its full size very soon after shaving. One more thing to note is the disadvantage of shaving in the opposite direction of hair growth. If you do this, you will have your newly grown hair trapped under your skin, which is called ingrown hair.

Waxing and Sugaring Advantages

Waxing and sugaring are also cost-effective ways to remove your hair. Waxing and sugaring can also exfoliate your skin while removing your hair. In these hair removal methods, the results last longer than shaving and your skin feels smoother because they can remove the hair from its root.


Waxing and Sugaring Disadvantages

Waxing and sugaring’s main disadvantage is that they can be painful. Removing the wax or the sugary paste that is attached to hair and skin may not be pain-free. Also, this hair removal method can cause skin irritation and redness. Another problem with waxing and sugaring is the messy procedure that is not ideal for many people.


Electrolysis Advantages

Electrolysis’s main advantage is its long-lasting results. In fact, electrolysis is the only hair removal method that the FDA has approved for its permanent results. So, electrolysis can benefit people who want their unwanted hair to be removed forever. For example, transgender people prefer this hair removal method to remove their unwanted hair in their genital area and their face.


Electrolysis Disadvantages

Electrolysis is an expensive hair removal option. It can also be painful and uncomfortable. Another disadvantage of electrolysis is that it takes a long time to achieve permanent results, so when it comes to electrolysis, you need to be patient.


Laser Hair Removal Advantages

Laser hair removal is a very beneficial hair removal method as it has very long-lasting results. After laser hair removal, you won’t have your unwanted hair for months or even years. This hair removal method is almost pain-free and convenient. Also, the procedure of laser hair removal is quick, and it doesn’t have as many possible side effects as the other hair removal techniques.


Laser Hair Removal Disadvantages

Although considering all the needed sessions, it is cheaper than electrolysis; laser hair removal is a bit pricey. Also, laser hair removal can’t be used for all kinds of hair and all skin colors. People with very thin and colorless hair and darker skin tones cannot benefit from this hair removal method.



After reading about the most common hair removal methods and their advantages and disadvantages, you wonder which one is the best option for you. The best hair removal option is the one satisfying your goals and expectations from hair removal. If availability and price are important things for you to consider, you may choose shaving. But if you want long-lasting results in a short amount of time, laser hair removal is the best hair removal option for you. You can also consult our aestheticians at our MHB aesthetic beauty clinic in Mayfair, London, to choose the best hair removal technique depending on your needs and your hair and skin condition.


Frequently Asked Questions About Best Hair Removal Options

There are many hair removal methods available, such as laser hair removal, electrolysis, shaving, sugaring, and waxing. The first two methods have more long-lasting results than the others.

If you are looking for a safe and effective hair removal method, laser hair removal can be the best option for you. This method doesn’t have concerning risks and side effects, and its results can last a very long time. You can also enjoy smoother skin after laser hair removal.

Electrolysis is a permanent hair removal technique, but it takes a long time to achieve these permanent results. Electrolysis needs multiple sessions (about 10-15 sessions) to have long-lasting results.

Yes. Waxing can pull out the hair from its roots, so it has more long-lasting results than shaving, which can cut hair above the skin.



Martin specializes in body and skin treatments and is based in Central London.

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